Finding Home

Over the past 15 years i have created many types of home: the backseat of cars, tents in the woods, abandoned warehouses, art studios, crowded punk houses, idealic farms… Now I find myself living in a row house with my spouse, working a full time nursing job and co-parenting. Now, I will not say my life is boring, just different. I feel quite fulfilled but miss the passion of the chaos and unknown. Now is the time to find balance, to find home. I am building a bridge between the past and future. Finding passion again. This blog is a way for me to tell my stories and share my ideas. It is a bridge from my story to my dream. I will share my failures of building family and my joy in creation. I will share ideas on how to deal with the idiosyncrasy of complex family. There is no easy access to archetypes and role models; however, the ruse of the cookie cutter life is well known. There is no normal.